across the street

We love giving hope to those who are around us.  How can you be a blessing to someone just across the street today?

America’s Keswick

    Service Opportunities

    Recent Letter (May 2024)

American Baptist Churches New Jersey




          Christmas Greetings 2022.pdf

Baptist Camp Lebanon

Barbara's Place (at America's Keswick)

       What is Barbara's Place?

Camden Forward School (run by Urban Promise)

- Choices of the Heart

     Service Opportunities

- Christian Caring Center

    Service Opportunities         

    Trunk or Treat 2019

    CCC Recent Letter (June 2024)

- Riverview Estates

     Service Opportunities

    Riverview Recent Letter (January 2021)

- Seeds of Hope


Service Opportunities


Seeds of Hope Recent Letter (November 2023)

- Urban Promise

     Service Opportunities

     Urban Recent Letter (BruceMainMission.pdf July 2023)
